Saturday, September 10, 2011

佛在心中 - Buddha lives within your heart

I have heard the saying "佛在心中“ being used when someone is caught in a situation which does not exactly align perfectly with commonly known Buddhist practices (Note: common Budddist practices are normally just practices, I don't really think Buddha ever tried to control the things you eat, the clothes you wear. I think Buddha is only concerned with how you think). For example, this saying is often heard when someone eats meat while claiming to be a Buddhist.

I shall digress here shortly to talk a little about 杀生. Actually, I've heard that Buddhism does not forbid eating meat, as long as you do not "杀生". 杀生 is the act of killing just for one's pleasure, hence eating meat for one's survival is fine. You might accidentally step on an ant, or consume bacteria in the water you are drinking.. these are not considered 杀生.

Anyway, back to the saying. I recently had another understanding of the phrase triggered by reading the opening chapter of "I Wonder Why". The saying could also refer to the internal Buddha that lies within everyone, although it is shrouded by our human frailties.

Therefore, I shall use this saying to balance my personal proclivity to judge a person harshly. It's a much easier life to lead.

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