Thursday, May 13, 2010

Installing Compojure from a clean Ubuntu

This is a rough draft of my steps for the all the frustrated people who tried to get Compojure to work. Disclaimer: This is the first time I've ever used any version of Linux and ever tried to do anything in Linux.

Got irritated while trying to configure Windows cause I wanted to use Compojure.. (Clojure's web development framework.)

Finally, I gave up and installed Ubuntu. (Bye Windows..)

1. Wubi - Start clean
I downloaded Wubi. Went through the default installation, and let the update manager update everything once.

2. EMACs - Text editor for Clojure, with the necessary modifications
Next, I followed the steps outlined (

sudo apt-get install emacs-snapshot-gtk
Run EMACs by using Alt-F2, "emacs".

You have to configure emacs properly for Clojure.
In emacs, Type: M-x package-list-packages (You should have "EPLA").
Select the following options by clicking on them, typing "I" for each of the options, then type "x"

Installed in emacs

3. Git (for downloading code and libraries)
$sudo apt-get install git-core

4. Leiningen
Follow the instructions to install Leiningen. (Thanks Alex Ott!))

(Some stuff that might be important for Terminal commands:
echo $PATH - find your path)

5. Your first "Hello World" Compojure project
All the instructions on "" are essentially correct, except that you must add to the dependencies in project.clj the swank dependency

Open project.clj in emacs and add
:dev-dependencies [[leiningen/lein-swank "1.2.0-SNAPSHOT"]

Then in Terminal:
lein deps

Then run:
lein swank (to start a swank server)
You should see the swank server running.

Then switch to EMACs and type
M-x slime-connect
You should see emacs connecting.

Run: (run-jetty example {:port 8080})

6. Verification
Open up a browswer, and type http://localhost:8080. It should show "Hello World".

Sorry for the awkward formatting, going off to bed first. Hopefully, this will help everyone trying to use Compojure. I included all the pages I used, and much thanks to everyone who wrote those articles as guides.
