Monday, January 18, 2010

The lecture on how to talk between programmers and non-programmers

Err. Dammit. Took me so long to google the stuff covered in the lecture. Should have taken this module earlier. Haha.. oh well..

Lame jokes
1. 4 million lines of code - [printf "you are screwed.";] x 3.9999999 million lines
2. 50 million lines of code, 500 million bugs
3. Non-programmers are useful.

The CS3216 seems to be teaching basics that students should already know.. Or maybe our education system is not teaching the things that people should be learning first? Or are our students just happy to take modules, pass them and forget them? (I am supremely guilty of this, and regretting it.)

Interesting lecture by the previous students. It's good that they have real life experience working to help a client (CVWO - Pretty smart way to achieve the objectives of:
1. Getting students to appreciate the power that they have been gifted with through their training
2. Using the resources of the school to benefit society (public funds for social benefit)
3. Management, teamwork, leadership
4. Professionalism

The first result for "Scrum" in google shows the software development model result, not the rugby related result (wert..).

Lol.. major takeaway lesson when managing your own business: Cannot tio smoke by anyone. Must have some experience yourself in as many areas of the business as possible.. (So why hire managers from biz admin without real-world experience?) (I have a lot of biz ad friends who are my good friends. =p) Kinda reminds me of the time when I took a class on VC investments, but the lecturer seemed like he never invested before.

Okie, I sensed a lot of groups floundering. I guess my group is still searching for an idea, but we've thrown away a lot of paper already. Our KPI is probably to hit 100 pages of crap before finding something good.

I realised there's a big difference between Sebastian, me and Jonathan. Not sure how to resolve it, but I wish Jonathan can just push back against our stupid ideas. Maybe the 2 of us are just too intimidating..


  1. CS3216 seems to be teaching basics that students should already know.. Or maybe our education system is not teaching the things that people should be learning first?

    It is a challenge having students from different backgrounds and faculties all in the same class and some of the things I said today were new to the non-CS students.

    The balance that we try to strike is to try to ensure that everyone learns something in each lesson.

    However, most of the learning in CS3216 is still in the doing. The lessons are merely "enrichment"-type activities that try to level people up.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just worried that the students are still very raw and cannot adapt to the working environment, despite being supposedly being trained.

    I was attending my other lecture, EE3501 - Power Electronics, the other day. The lecturer, Dr Ashwin (a very good lecturer), asked a simple question:"Who can tell me intuitively, how an inductor works?" No one replied.

    I can think of 2 reasons:
    a. No one can be bothered - Apathy
    b. Everyone really does not know?
    (maybe there are more..)

    Both are problems.
    My alibi is that I clean forgot basics after 1 year overseas.. haha.
