Has anyone thought about using the TPS for our personal lives? It would be interesting to see how it could be implemented.
Common concepts (copied from Wikipedia)
- Andon (行灯) (English: Signboard)
- Genchi Genbutsu (現地現物) (English: Go and see for yourself)
- Hansei (反省) (English: Self-reflection)
- Heijunka (平準化) (English: Production Smoothing)
- Jidoka (自働化) (English: Autonomation - automation with human intelligence)
- Just In Time (ジャストインタイム) (JIT)
- Kaizen (改善) (English: Continuous Improvement)
- Kanban (看板, also かんばん) (English: Sign, Index Card)
- Manufacturing supermarket where all components are available to be withdrawn by a process
- Muda (浪费, also ムダ) (English: Waste)
- Mura (斑 or ムラ) (English: Unevenness)
- Muri (無理) (English: Overburden)
- Nemawashi (根回し) (English: Laying the groundwork, literally: Going around the roots)
- Poka-yoke (差错预防 ポカヨケ) (English: fail-safing - to avoid (yokeru) inadvertent errors (poka))
Perhaps, we could start with our physical workspace. Is it full of clutter, or is it very neatly organised? Are commonly used items easily found?
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