Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Startups - A daily journey of gratefulness

Ever since starting, we've met our fair spectrum of good and bad people. The funny thing is, most people are good and decent, who want to help you, even just a little along the way.

The world isn't so bad after all.

We've had our share of nasty and snobbish nurses, belligerent distributors, suspicious bosses and haughty doctors.

We've also had touching support from our customers, nice "aunty" nurses, supportive suppliers, suppliers who turned friends, mentors, reporters, friends, girlfriends (my co-founders, not me.. =) ) and family. These are the people we like to help or try our best to help.

The funny thing is.. you tend to forget the bad and nasty incidents, while remembering the nice people.

Of course, in a startup, after screaming at each other a couple of times.. It all tends to even out and everyone's pretty happy being buried under their own workload =)

Funnily, the good tends to amplify the good, while the nasty just vanishes before you even start getting angry. We've got nicer people to help, than wasting time getting angry over one person or any incident.

Maybe, a startup can be defined as "a daily journey of gratefulness".

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