Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Grinding soya bean milk

This is a nice picture of a soya bean grinder taken by some guy off the net:

Soya bean milk is created when you keep pushing the grinder constantly. If you have a long lever, you can apply less force to make the grinder move. Sometimes, you realize that after you grind a batch, there is one spoilt and naughty bean, and you have to redo the grinding.

I thought of this analogy when listening to Prof Ben's sharing yesterday.

To succeed in life, you need to grind, constantly. Eventually, the momentum created by your efforts will carry you further.
If you have intelligence, wealth and power or other advantages that come to you when you are born, it means you have a longer lever than others. It does not mean that you don't need to push the damn bloody heavy thing though.. (And it helps if you have friends to push with you!)
And you need a little luck, so that every batch of soya bean milk turns out good. If you put in your heart and soul, I think most of it should turn out okie =)

Drink soya bean milk everyday =) It's a healthy drink!

[Seeing things at 24 that I wish I could have told myself 10 years ago.]


  1. Seeing things at 24 that I wish I could have told myself 10 years ago.

    Better late than never. Be grateful. Some NEVER see. :-)

  2. Prof,
    You might find LKY's speech on aging interesting.

    Your tips for someone who's 24? =)
