Thursday, January 28, 2010

Y-Combinator in SG?

Looking at the SGEntrepreneurs website.. There seems to be some buzz going on.

For reference,

I'm actually rather surprised that there are so many Singaporean startups making their impact on prominent conferences. Looks like I need to talk to more people and find out what's going on..

Wow, Brandtology is doing well. Major props =)


  1. You may wish to know that Kelly Choo, TA for 1st offering of CS3216 is working for Brandtology. :-P Will get him to come to our pitching session next month and talk about what he's doing. :-)

  2. Lol.. I worked for him before I flew off for NOC =) Yeah, he's super nice..

  3. Hmm? A conversation about me that doesn't involve me? :-)
