Friday, September 20, 2013

Cyberduck and S3

I found the user interface of S3 a bit irritating:
Cannot rename files (capital letters in filenames and extensions kept tripping me)
Cannot easily move and copy files

Luckily, there's Cyberduck.

Go to your account and generate a access key ID and secret access key.

Start Cyberduck and select "Open Connection".

Select "Amazon S3" for the connection.

For username, enter the access key ID.
For password, enter the secret access key.

Click connect.

Hosting your own static site and mail hosting - Using Amazon S3, Amazon Route 53 and Zoho Mail

For fun, I tried using S3 to host our new site

Configuring S3 and Route 53 for static website hosting
Not exactly simple, but doable if you follow the steps slowly.

Configuring Zoho Mail
Go to the newly created hosted zone under Route 53.
Add the following mx records: