"jetty.ssl.keypassword "
Background: I am running a Clojure app (Noir) on heroku for testing. The app starts fine but the error message about the ssl keypassword made the app crash when I make a GET request to a https address under heroku.
Fix: I removed the ssl-port option for jetty options. It does not seem like it's needed.
However, if you have your own SSL certificate (not using PiggyBack), then you should set your own.
(def prod-settings
{:mode mode
:ns 'helen
:session-cookie-attrs {:max-age 3600
:secure false}
:jetty-options {:port (Integer. (get (System/getenv) "PORT" "8080"))}})
;; Removed ssl-port because heroku keeps requiring ssl password
;; Heroku's ssl-port is 443, no need to supply keystore or ssl password if using PiggyBack SSL