Sunday, January 16, 2011

China's evolution from Deng Xiao Ping's "Black Cat" to "Green Cat"

Good video, if you understand Chinese.
This was shot during the 2011 Commonwealth Economic Forum, and was given by Mr Hu An Gang, the head of the Centre for China Study, Tsing Hua University.
After giving a background introduction of China's economic and social progress as evaluated by the the 11th 5-year plan, Mr Hu starts discussing environmental economic targets and indicators as prescribed in the 12th 5 year plan from 3:47 onwards.

5 areas which demonstrate China' environmental commitment
  • Heavy polluting industries morphing to sustainable manufacturing (黑色生产 -> 绿色生产)
  • Consumption to "green" consumption (黑色消费 -> 绿色消费)
  • Expanding on cleantech infrastructure and investment (进一步对生态环境进行建设和投资)
  • Promoting a sustainable lifestyle (提倡绿色生活方式)
  • Aiming for global technical and environmental standards (在所有的技术标准、环保标准向绿色标准靠近) - E.g. Beijing will implement very shortly the Euro-5 vehicle emissions standards

His conclusion:
The "Black Cat" Strategy - If China continues to rely on industrial manufacturing as its economic development pathway, it will suffer global criticisms and will result in China being easily overtaken by global competition vying on the basis of cost advantages.
The "Green Cat" Strategy - In actual fact, the "Green Cat" is actually the “best cat". This will benefit both China and the world. Hence, through its "Green Revolution", China will move from being an imitator to achieving pioneering leadership in the cleantech arena. China will aim for adapting a Chinese style of sustainable economic development, ensuring prosperity for its citizens and the world.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

2011 - Just 1 small thing to highlight for everyone - Manage your Energy, not your Time

Came across this HBR article which I think is pretty useful, especially as 2011 seems to be an exciting year for everyone =)

You know it's useful, when just the title sums up the value =)